Texts in purple can be clicked for more information.
Those commands required the permission MANAGE_SERVER
Description :Configuration role to assign when a member joins the server
Usage : /autorole [add/remove] <role/role_id>
Description : Configure Member Counter Channels
Usage : /counter [total/members/bots]
Description : Send embed messages
Usage : /embed [#Salon]
Flag Translation
Description : Configure message translation vria flag reactions in the server [Can be configured in the dashboard]
Usage : /flagtranslation [ON/OFF]
Description : Configure the goodbye message [Can be configured in the dashboard]
Usage :
The usable variables are :
\n : New line
{server} : Name of your server
{count} : Amount of members in your server
{member} : The member
{member:nick} : Name of the member
{member:avatar} : Provides the link to the member's profile picture
{inviter:name} : Give the person who invited the member
{invites} : Gives the number of invitations of the person who invited the member
/aurevoir status [ON/OFF]
Enable or disable the goodbye message
/aurevoir channel [#Channel]
Set the goodbye channel
/aurevoir color [HEX]
Set embed color
/aurevoir desc [text]
Set embed description
/aurevoir footer [text]
Set the footer of the embed
/aurevoir image [Image URL]
Define the embed image (the one at the bottom of the embed)
/aurevoir thumbnail [ON/OFF]
Set the embed image (the one in the upper right corner)
/aurevoir preview
Preview the configured goodbye message
Description : Configure the welcome message [Can be configured in the dashboard]
Usage :
The usable variables are :
\n : New line
{server} : Name of your server
{count} : Amount of members in your server
{member} : The member
{member:nick} : Name of the member
{member:avatar} : Provides the link to the member's profile picture
{inviter:name} : Give the person who invited the member
{invites} : Gives the number of invitations of the person who invited the member
/bienvenue status [ON/OFF]
Enable or disable the welcome message
/bienvenue channel [#Channel]
Set the welcome lounge
/bienvenuecolor [HEX]
Set embed color
/bienvenue desc [text]
Set embed description
/bienvenue footer [text]
Set the footer of the embed
/bienvenue image [Image URL]
Set the embed image (the one at the bottom of the embed)
/bienvenue thumbnail [ON/OFF]
Set the embed image (the one in the upper right corner)
/bienvenue preview
Preview the configured welcome message
Description : Set the maximum number of warnings configuration [Can be configured in the dashboard]
Usage :
/maxwarn action [timeout/kick/ban]
Set the action to take after receiving the maximum number of warnings
/maxwarn limit [Number]
Set the maximum number of warnings a member can receive before taking an action
Description : Enable or disable moderation logs [Can be configured in the dashboard]
Usage : /modlog [#Channel]
RΓ΄les avec rΓ©actions
Description : Configure roles to get from reaction on a specified message
Usage :
/addrr [#Channel] [Message ID] [Emoji] [@RΓ΄le]
Configure roles from reaction for the specified message
/removerr [#Channel] [Message ID]
Remove the configured reaction for the specified message
Description : Add/Remove a role from one or more members
Usage :
/role add [@Role] [@Member]
Add a specified role to a specified member
/role remove [@Role] [@Member]
Remove a specified role from a specified member
/role mass_add [@Role]
Add a specified role to all server members who do not have it
/role mass_remove [@Role]
Remove a specified role from all server members who own it
Last updated